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The White Devils Social Club is in no way or form a racist or hate club. We are simply a social club of like minded men of European decent that hold a very strong love, respect and pride in our race, heritage and ancestry. We strongly believe in our right as European  Americans to advance our race and to preserve our racial history, heritage and future.


Let’s take a look at what and who we are ... and who we are not. We are the descendants of white Europeans, we come from people that had the will and strength to endure adversity in whatever forms it presented itself. This and the courage to fight for what they believed in are the foundation for the western culture, that culture has produced men and women who lead the world into every technological advancement this world has seen. It is clear that we stand out and shine as a race.


This race and its true culture must be preserved. Racial purity, freedom, and a strong work ethic are like a sturdy shell on top of that foundation. As we look back on the history of man we can see that there is a pattern to all those great advancements. The people who are the innovators all were white. They generally had the freedom to be inventive and they were willing to work hard and stick to their dream.


This is the basis of your culture white man! Love it and defend it. When we turn on a television, radio, or read a newspaper we are told that cultural diversity is what has made America great. THAT IS A LIE! There are people that “want to control every aspect of this world. But, they have one problem, the white man. It is clear that for many years these people have been trying to destroy us culturally and genetically. This is the reason the media promotes interracial marriage and racial integration - even to the point of "forced integration." We must look back to those ancestors of ours and see what they did. They stood up for what they believed in. Educating all of our people and selecting leaders with the will and the strength to lead this struggle to preserve who and what we are is imperative.




They call us “White Devils”…. White Devils we will be.


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